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My Why

I have been asked numerous times, why is it that I chose to do what I do and I truly believe that the naturopathic lifestyle chose me. As a little girl I was highly encouraged by my aunt Melba to become a pediatrician. Melba was an ER nurse and basically the family healer/doctor and literally saved my life, on more than one occasion. Her helping heart and loving mind molded me into the student of naturopathy I am today. I come from a family of public servants and a lineage of people helping people, so it is in my blood and for that I am so thankful. My grandfather was an ordained minister for most of his life, serving and healing souls and lifting spirits with his beautiful smile and loving energy. My mother was a police officer who could outrun any thief, and in the same day encourage school aged kids to stay off drugs and get good grades. My uncle Mickey was a mechanic and a chef, who could fix anyone's mechanical issues for a fair price and cook you up the most delicious Po'Boy sandwich you have ever had in your life! My aunt Linda is a beautiful light, whose loving spirit and uplifting words has healed many, although don't get on her bad side or the polar opposite may have you laying out on your back. Being of service is what I saw daily growing up. It was instilled without saying, just as well as unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Coming from a family with genetic predispositions, I desired a different outcome for my own health. Becoming a mother, opened up the portal and my initiation into the holistic, naturopathic wellness lifestyle began. 20 years ago, I gave birth to a beautiful boy and I knew that our lives would be completely different due to my intentionality and constant hunger for answers. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, fibroids, mental disorders are all major issues that I believe can be alleviated and or prevented with a combination of diet, exercise, mindset and environment. I am a believer in the healing power of nature and I am forever in awe of the endless possibilities of cures for everything. Taking care of my family for the past 2 decades has given me so many tools and success stories that I want to share the information and provide healing modalities to as many people as I can. It is my pleasure and honor to help people along their journey to a more well rounded well state of being. Thriving is not just for the wealthy. I know plant powered wellness is the way! I truly enjoy creating soothing skin products, healing hair oils, conscious household cleaning solutions, herbal medicines for a vast array of ailments, providing effective skin care treatments and crafting vibrant handcrafted jewelry using beautiful stones and plants and herbs from my patio garden. I am excited to provide hand crafted healing, luxury bath and body care to anyone and everyone. I know once you try it, there is no going back to toxicity. Nature has the answers to everything and healing doesn't have to cost a lot of money! Love, time and energy are what creates transformation. I am grateful to share my knowledge with you all and always ready to help you get started on the journey to creating a healthier relationship with yourself!

Are you ready?

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